Уважаемые клиенты, в связи со сложившейся ситуацией наша компания фиксирует внутренний курс.
1€ = 98 ₽
Курс действителен на все отгрузки со склада и предоплаты 16.07.2024
Exception: Query error 42S22: SQLSTATE[42S22]: Column not found: 1054 Unknown column 'sli.sorting' in 'order clause'. Query: SELECT DISTINCT SQL_CALC_FOUND_ROWS `shop_items`.* FROM `shop_items` LEFT OUTER JOIN `property_value_datetimes` AS `pvdd` ON `shop_items`.`id` = `pvdd`.`entity_id` AND `pvdd`.`property_id` = 207 INNER JOIN `shop_items` AS `m` ON `shop_items`.`id` = `m`.`modification_id` LEFT OUTER JOIN `property_value_ints` AS `hide_item` ON `hide_item`.`entity_id` = `shop_items`.`id` AND `hide_item`.`property_id` = 252 LEFT OUTER JOIN `shop_groups` AS `sg` ON `sg`.`id` = `shop_items`.`shop_group_id` WHERE `shop_items`.`shop_id` = '7' AND ( `shop_items`.`start_datetime` < '2024-07-27 10:13:02' OR `shop_items`.`start_datetime` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ) AND ( `shop_items`.`end_datetime` > '2024-07-27 10:13:02' OR `shop_items`.`end_datetime` = '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ) AND `shop_items`.`siteuser_group_id` IN (0, -1) AND ( `pvdd`.`value` BETWEEN '2024-01-27' AND '2024-07-27 10:13:02' OR `pvdd`.`value` IS NULL ) AND `shop_items`.`shop_group_id` IN (131793, 132932, 132933, 132934, 132935, 131796, 131799, 131808, 131812, 131813, 131814, 131815, 131816, 131817, 131819, 131820, 131821, 131830, 131834, 131835, 131836, 131837, 131838, 131839, 131842, 131843, 131844, 131854, 131855, 131856, 131857, 131858, 131861, 131862, 131863, 131864, 131865, 131866, 131867, 131868, 131869, 131870, 131871, 131875, 131876, 132888, 132889, 134346, 134347) AND `hide_item`.`value` = 0 AND `shop_items`.`active` = 1 AND `shop_items`.`shortcut_id` = 0 AND ( `sg`.`active` = 1 AND `sg`.`deleted` = 0 AND `sg`.`siteuser_group_id` IN (0, -1) OR `sg`.`id` IS NULL ) AND `shop_items`.`deleted` = 0 ORDER BY `sli`.`sorting` ASC, `shop_items`.`datetime` DESC, `shop_items`.`name` ASC LIMIT 20 OFFSET 0
modules/core/database/pdo.php:675 Core_Exception->__construct
modules/core/querybuilder/statement.php:78 Core_DataBase_Pdo->query
modules/core/orm.php:522 Core_QueryBuilder_Statement->execute
modules/core/entity.php:581 Core_ORM->findAll
modules/shop/controller/show.php:1178 Core_Entity->findAll
libs/modules/pezhon/module/shop/controller/show.php:443 Shop_Controller_Show->show
hostcmsfiles/lib/lib_103/lib_103.php:501 Pezhon_Shop_Controller_Show->show
modules/lib/model.php:284 include
modules/core/page.php:166 Lib_Model->execute
templates/template31/template.htm:75 Core_Page->execute
modules/template/model.php:103 include
modules/core/page.php:166 Template_Model->execute
templates/template13/template.htm:198 Core_Page->execute
modules/template/model.php:103 include
modules/core/page.php:166 Template_Model->execute
modules/core/command/controller/default.php:580 Core_Page->execute
modules/core/router/route.php:195 Core_Command_Controller_Default->showAction
index.php:236 Core_Router_Route->execute